“Put me on trial, Lord, and cross-examine me. Test my motives and my heart. For I am always aware of your unfailing love, and I have lived according to your truth.” -Psalms 26:2-3NLT
I’m in this season of remember to stop for a bit and examine my heart, my motives, and beware of my intentions. Are they from God? Or are they what I want?
During my time in Romania, I felt pushed out of my comfort zone in areas such as going out on the street to try to talk to people that doesn’t speak the same language, handing out flyers to youths for worship nights, or even asking if I can pray for them in public. There’s times when I don’t feel comfortable doing such things, and the fear of failure creeps in but I’m reminded to “Take a look and remember where you at? Why are you here?” It’s for The Love of Jesus Christ. I’m out here to tell people about the perfect love of Jesus, and the beauty in Knowing Him and to Be Known by Him.
14 How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? 15 And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” –Romans 10:14-15
I’m reminded of the song “Refiner” by Maverick City Music, I feel like Romania definitely started a refining process for me. In my relationship with God, both spiritually and physically. I’m excited for the next thing that God will press me and mold me into, all to be more and more like Him. Isn’t that our goal? To be Christlike while walking on this earth for this short period of time?
I wanna be tried by fire
You take whatever you desire
Lord here’s my life
I wanna be tried by fire
You take whatever you desire
Lord here’s my life
Clean my hands, purify my heart
I wanna burn for you, only for You
Take my life as a sacrifice
I wanna burn for you, only for You
Thank you for all your prayers and support. It means a lot to me to know that I have such a supportive loving family. This past month(in Romania)and a half are what we called All Squad Month, meaning the entire group of 20+ people are a Squad. Now(in Albania)starting on the 3rd-20th, we will break into 4 team of 5-6 people to do ATL(ask the Lord) Month. ATL Month is when we take time to pray and ask God where He wants(leading) us to go, and what He wants us to do for ministry. Usually, it’s roughly a month. Each team will figure out its own transportation, lodging, and food etc. Which include finding your own ministry, no host assigned to you and your required to have 6hrs of ministry a day for 5 days. Your team will work together to pray about it and figure these things out. There will be a lot of freedom which also requires a lot of self-discipline in seeking the Lord intentionally. Life is Ministry, Ministry is Life!
This is my team, team C.I.A.(Christ is Alive) during Squad Olympic for the event of crazy hairstyle. From left to right: Chelsea(Chach), Nathan, Jacken(my alumni Team Leader), Malachi, and Hannah.